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Tongue piercings are among the most popular kinds: they’re not especially painful, and the channel heals quickly. It’s important to use an experienced piercer who will take a close look at your tongue first: if there are too many tendons and veins running through it, you should avoid getting it pierced.

Healing: After the piercing, your tongue muscle and lymph glands will swell up for about a week; you can help this by sucking on ice cubes. You should also try to avoid speaking during this time, and if you do, you’ll find you have a lisp. This will usually go away after a week or two.
During this period, you should avoid dairy products, fruit and juices, and grain-based products. Soft foods such as soup and mashed potatoes are a good choice. After meals, rinse your mouth with still water or chamomile tea. Once the swelling has gone down, you can replace the long plug inserted by the piercer with a suitable shorter one.

Risks: It’s very important that this piercing be done by an experienced professional, as there are several risks involved. Arterial damage can cause massive bleeding, and if the large muscle is pierced by mistake, the swelling can impede your breathing and even cause long-term partial paralysis. Some dentists believe that tongue piercings can damage your teeth and enamel.

You’ll find lots of barbells for your tongue piercing HERE!