Labret piercings

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Labret piercings

Type of piercing

This is an umbrella term for jewellery in the lip area, and more specifically the lower lip, while upper lip piercings are often referred to as Madonna or medusa piercings. One variant of the labret goes through the skin between the middle of the lower lip and chin, and is therefore known as a chin labret.

However, labrets can also be placed in all kinds of other places. For example, they’re often used in the ear, as the endplate can be more comfortable than the prick of a traditional earring.
Labrets are popular, and have a long tradition in many regions of the world. The Aztecs and Inca wore them, and they were widely used in northern Canada and Alaska until the twentieth century.

Nails and plates are used for religious and aesthetic purposes by women from the Mursi and Surma peoples of Ethiopia and the Sara of Chad. Men and women of the Kara tribe, also in Ethiopia, adorn themselves with nail or flower labrets.

Healing: A labret piercing takes about five weeks to heal. During this time, you should look after the wound carefully; chamomile is one good way to keep it clean.

Risks: It’s important to position the jewellery so that it doesn’t rub against the necks of your teeth and cause your gums to recede.

Explore our extensive range of labrets HERE!